Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Conrad Black: The West Must Recognize That Beijing Is an Enemy of Western Civilization

Ms. Sun is accused of repeatedly intervening to prevent Taiwanese officials from meeting Gov. Hochul and of using her office to advance the interests in the United States of the Chinese Communist Party specifically, and of a great many official and private Chinese clients seeking access and preferments.
The Chinese technique appears to be to focus on well-placed people of Chinese ancestry with relatives in the People’s Republic and implies with a minimum of subtlety that the relatives in China could benefit from the cooperation of targeted Chinese Americans, and similarly could suffer from the non-cooperation of the relatives in the United States with the wishes of the Beijing regime.
This subject is going to have to be taken a great deal more seriously than it has been. Our governments will have to devise some combination of insulation for those people of Chinese ancestry subject to blackmail, and retaliation directly against China, to bring this intolerable activity to an end. The great Western campaign to befriend China has been an almost complete failure, and it is time for the Western nations to revise their policies in these matters to account for the fact that China aspires to be not only our rival, but the victorious rival to Western civilization.
